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地平线系列:口服避孕药究竟有多安全 HD中字

BD影视提供地平线系列:口服避孕药究竟有多安全(HD中字)高清视频免费在线观看,很多网友非常喜欢地平线系列:口服避孕药究竟有多安全这部影片,看的很过瘾,又气又爽的!不拖沓,生活就是这样的!虽然每个人都有缺点,但同时又有优点!地平线系列:口服避孕药究竟有多安全(HD中字)剧情:  In recent years a groundbreaking new study has been released into the effects of the contraceptive pill. Research from Denmark claimed women on the pill and other forms of hormonal contraception were 70% more likely to be diagnosed with depression than those who were not. And another study has found hormonal contraception was linked to a seemingly dramatic risk of breast cancer.  Negative headlines are nothing new for the contraceptive pill - first introduced in 1961, it has had a chequered history with early versions linked to cancer risk and life-threatening blood clots. Yet hormonal contraception remains Britain's most popular form of birth control, and today over three million women take regular doses of synthetic hormones. So should they be worried about its safety?  GP Dr Zoe Williams gets behind the headlines in this Horizon investigation. A specially commissioned, nationwide survey reveals the areas of most concern to British women - from mental health to the risk of cancer and drop in libido. With the help of world leading scientists, Zoe finds out if these concerns are justified and by delving deep into the science around the pills side effects Horizon uncovers some striking revelations - from protecting women against cancer to increasing their risk of suicide.,强烈推荐这部剧!绝对上瘾!推荐满分。


我的美食向导 9.0 第8集 陈晓卿  本节目是陈晓卿导演第一次全程从摄影机背后走到镜头前,用自己的视角,寻访美食,并探讨食物背后的故事。在本节目中,陈晓卿前往中国八个不同的地区,他和不同的向导一起,完成自己的风味探索之旅。向导中,有陈晓卿
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揭秘被火山吞没的赫库兰尼姆 正片 When Pompeii was destroyed by an apocalyptic volcano in 79 AD, another Roman town was also destroyed
揭秘被火山吞没的赫库兰尼姆 记录
殖民者 8.0 正片 萨姆·斯普卢尔 马克·斯坦利 阿尔佛莱德·卡斯特罗 马里亚诺·利纳斯 本杰明·韦斯特法尔 马斯洛·阿兰瑟 路易斯·马辛 卡米洛·阿兰西比亚 海因茨·K·克拉蒂格 埃米莉·奥鲁埃塔 奥斯汀·利塔诺 米歇尔·瓜尼亚 阿德里安娜·斯图文  1901年,南美洲最南端的智利火地岛,西班牙富商坐拥广袤土地,立起围栏放牧羊群。然而长居在此的原住民,并不了解资本主义的私人财产观念,擅自猎羊引起富商震怒。富商雇用了凶残的英国前军官与美国佣兵,以及一
殖民者 记录
湖泊的传说 HD中字 萨穆里·埃德尔曼    一部关于芬兰湖泊的纪录片, 以及湖泊周边的自然环境,水质状况和古老的芬兰神话。
湖泊的传说 记录