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搭讪游戏 HD中字

BD影视提供搭讪游戏(HD中字)高清视频免费在线观看,很多网友非常喜欢搭讪游戏这部影片,看的很过瘾,又气又爽的!不拖沓,生活就是这样的!虽然每个人都有缺点,但同时又有优点!搭讪游戏(HD中字)剧情:  The Pickup Game is an inside look at the emergence of the 'pickup' industry - a business where self-styled seduction coaches travel the world, charging a small fortune to teach men skills they claim will guarantee success with women. For the instructors who are successful, it is a highly lucrative occupation, with many companies earning millions of dollars a year. It is also an industry rife with controversy and scandal. Several teachers have been deported from countries for their contentious methodologies and pickup businesses are often the subject of fierce public criticism. Despite this, men the world over collectively spend hundreds of millions of dollars to attend seminars, download online courses and have one-on-one coaching sessions with instructors they feel can give them the dating life of their dreams. In the minds of students, many of these instructors become more than just teachers. They become idols. From the glossy exterior, where courses are packaged as,强烈推荐这部剧!绝对上瘾!推荐满分。


搭讪游戏 7.0 HD中字
搭讪游戏 记录


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